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Skipton Building Society Savings Review

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Everything you need to know before you open a savings account with Skipton Building Society!

The experts say:

Skipton Building Society was named High Street Savings Provider of the year at the 2022 Moneyfacts awards, and its savings accounts are a popular choice for people looking for a reliable place to store their money. In independent research by Which?, the product was highly rated, with a score of 78%, whilc customer satisfaction was rated even higher at an impressive 82% score. It's no surprise that Which? has recommended Skipton as a savings account provider, ranking them in 4th place out of 30 providers. More good news comes from Fairer Finance – they've given the Skipton Building Society's savings account a customer experience rating of 72%, and rank it 7th out of 50 providers. All in all, it's clear that the Skipton Building Society is an excellent choice when it comes to savings accounts.

What Skipton Building Society customers are saying right now:

The Good

  • ✅ Friendly and helpful staff
  • 😊 Straightforward process for opening an account
  • 🤩 Quick response time
  • 🎉 Free EPC offered to customers
  • 💯 Commitment to Total Quality Management

The Bad

  • :angry: Poor customer service. :x: Errors resulting in incorrect address changes, missing bonuses and cancelled mortgages. :disappointed: Unhelpful staff who fail to provide adequate resolutions.
Read more customer reviews of Skipton Building Society

Skipton Building Society customer reviews summary

Skipton Building Society savings accounts offer a range of services and products that have been found to meet customer needs. Despite occasional miscommunications, customers have generally had positive experiences when opening an account or making changes to their existing one. Many have praised the helpful and courteous staff, as well as the intuitive website which makes navigation a breeze. Unfortunately, some customers have experienced waiting times when trying to resolve issues, but overall Skipton Building Society has received positive reviews from its customers. I would rate Skipton Building Society savings accounts 8/10.

Is Skipton Building Society one of this year's Top 10 savings account providers?

Frequently Asked Questions about Skipton Building Society

Who owns Skipton Building Society?

Skipton Building Society is a mutual organisation, meaning it is owned by its members. Because it doesn't have the demands of shareholders to meet, like other building societies it has more freedom to act in the interests of its customers than financial services companies whose ultimate motivation is profit.

Are Skipton and Barclays linked?

Only in so far as Skipton Building Society is a customer of Barclays and banks with them. For this reason, when paying into Skipton Building Society accounts with online banking, Skipton customers sometimes see the payee details come up as "Barclays".

Is Skipton Building Society in trouble?

It seems not – in fact Skipton Building Society recently announced that it had had a record year for mortgage lending in 2022. Because it is a member of the the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, deposits up to £85,000 would be protected if it were to get into financial difficulties in future.