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Tesco Bank Savings Review

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Everything you need to know before you open a savings account with Tesco Bank!

The experts say:


Tesco Bank's savings accounts have been given a thorough review and the results are in! With an impressive Which? Customer score of 63%, and an even more impressive Which? Product score of 79%, it's clear that customers are very satisfied with this provider. Unfortunately, they weren't awarded the Which? Recommended Provider status, but they still ranked 25th out of 30 providers in the Which? rankings. The Fairer Finance Customer Experience Rating was also quite good at 64%, and Tesco Bank ranked 28th out of 50 providers according to Fairer Finance. All in all, Tesco Bank's savings accounts seem to be a great choice for those looking for excellent customer service and a reliable product.

What Tesco Bank customers are saying right now:

The Good

  • :thumbsup: Generally good customer service
  • :ok_hand: Quick and simple process for getting credit card
  • :grinning: Cost of insurance policies lower than expected
  • :smiley: Polite and courteous customer advisors
  • :relieved: No charge for cancelling policy early

The Bad

  • 🤬49% increase in insurance premium without explanation
  • 😡Automated voice encouraging use of website or app, even when not necessary
  • 😤Connection issues with customer service phone line
Read more customer reviews of Tesco Bank

Tesco Bank customer reviews summary

Tesco Bank savings accounts have been receiving mixed reviews from customers recently. Many have reported issues with locating the relevant options for their questions, as well as long wait times to speak to a human. Others have praised the helpful customer service when they were able to get through. Additionally, some customers were not informed of the best deals available and had to pay higher premiums than necessary. Despite these issues, many people have found Tesco Bank savings accounts to be satisfactory overall. The process of setting up an account is straightforward and customers are pleased with the savings they can make. All in all, Tesco Bank savings accounts receive a score of 7 out of 10.

Is Tesco Bank one of this year's Top 10 savings account providers?